
Targaryen or Marc Jacobs 2016 Collection?

We know you want to make $100,000.00 / episode pretending to be a dragon queen in the seven kingdoms. Do you think this is a realistic worldview if you're not willing to adopt a LOOK or change your hair? There is an expression: "Life imitates Art, art imitates life."  Or in this case art imitates art. This is the "art".  Or is this "the life?"  Marc Jacobs 2016 collection. Targaryen or Marc Jacobs 2016 spring collection?  You tell me. You don't need a look if you already have your own dragon.


APPROACH 1 Find a time machine.  Travel back to the year where you can meet your 10 year old self.  Pray that meeting your 10 year old self does not cause the universe to self-destruct.  Assuming all is well, convince your 10 year old self that your future self wants to become a successful actor and the burden of this decision now rests solely on the actions of your 10 year old self.  Convince 10 year old self to turn mom into momager and have her move you to New York City so you can audition for Broadway musicals, which for 10 year olds, are open call castings.  Book a starring role in a Broadway musical at age 11 and win a Tony award at age 12.  Keep working in NY theatre as a darling of the NY theatre scene.  Secure the top agent with your statue.  Keep working in theatre, slumming it every once in awhile with a Recurring Guest Star arc on LAW & ORDER, whatever version of L&O happens to be on the air when you’re 14 years old.  If LAW & ORDER isn’t a thing yet, book the a


TOM HANKS & THE CLOUD ATLAS MOVIE The directors stated that due to lack of finance, the film was almost abandoned several times. However, they noted how the crew was enthusiastic and determined: "They flew—even though their agents called them and said, 'They don't have the money, the money's not closed.'" They specifically praised Tom Hanks's enthusiasm: "Warner Bros. calls and, through our agent, says they've looked at the math and decided that they don't like this deal. They're pulling all of the money away, rescinding the offer. I was shaking. I heard, 'Are you saying the movie is dead?' They were like, 'Yes, the movie is dead.'... At the end of the meeting, Tom says, 'Let's do it. I'm in. When do we start?'... Tom said this unabashed, enthusiastic 'Yes!' which put our heart back together. We walked away thinking, this movie is dead but somehow, it's alive and we're going to make it.&q


THE DIVINE FEMININE AS THE MUSE OF HOLLYWOOD Maybe the women will understand this better than the men.  Because Hollywood wants you to commit to her just like you want your romantic partner to totally commit to you. In ancient mythology, the divine feminine (The Greek Muses, Saraswati etc.) were described as overseeing human activities of art, music and literature.  The entertainment industry, taken as a whole, and understood as having an important purpose in human evolution, can be understood as being governed by the feminine aspect of the divine (God).  It has been my observation that she is waiting for you to commit completely to her work, the work of telling the stories which most need to be told .  I have seen in a number of instances when the careers begin to quickly progress only when the thespian abandons their "hedged bets" and commits to the work completely.  In order for something to be gained something else must be sacrificed, do you understand?  If you want the


MISSION STATEMENT  Our mission is to serve thespians who have dreamed a dream of a life in the theatre, telling stories for the benefit of all humankind. Such thespians need not be of a specific age, gender, or ethnicity, the only prerequisite is a willingness to train in the magical & dramatic arts, without limitation, and a willingness to sacrifice pre-conceived notions about how such dreams are obtained in the contemporary entertainment industry; understanding that a path to a successful career exists for all ages and types but that the obstacles to success may vary greatly depending on an thespian’s genotype, age and preparations the individual has already made.  Our mission is to identify the most talented and motivated thespians and pair them with the MOST EFFICIENT STRATEGY for realizing practical career milestones in the shortest possible time (and not sooner). Our mission is to identify those rare individuals who are willing to abandon their false notion of the fake (re