Maybe the women will understand this better than the men. Because Hollywood wants you to commit to her just like you want your romantic partner to totally commit to you.
In ancient mythology, the divine feminine (The Greek Muses, Saraswati etc.) were described as overseeing human activities of art, music and literature. The entertainment industry, taken as a whole, and understood as having an important purpose in human evolution, can be understood as being governed by the feminine aspect of the divine (God). It has been my observation that she is waiting for you to commit completely to her work, the work of telling the stories which most need to be told. I have seen in a number of instances when the careers begin to quickly progress only when the thespian abandons their "hedged bets" and commits to the work completely. In order for something to be gained something else must be sacrificed, do you understand? If you want the "perfect Norman Rockwell home with the white picket fence" I think that is life to be found by traveling down a different fork in the road.
The path of the storyteller is to go where you are most needed.
Let's take Brie Larson as an example. One could say that her recent astronomical rise is due to her willingness to be the vehicle by which the story of ROOM could be told. Her role in this disturbing film is anything but glamorous. It may be an adaptation of a novel (fiction), but definitely relates to several similarly disturbing true crimes that have occurred in the past decade.
Regardless as to the various schools of theatre, the principle remains the same: commitment is the driving force that brings stories to life. You might ask yourself: what part of myself am I holding back? What fear do I have that keeps me tethered to the mundane?
One of my favorite movies about Hollywood culture is The Muse (with Albert Brooks). If you haven't seen it, try to do so.
And of course, The Cloud Atlas only got made because one actor, Tom Hanks, committed to the project even when the financing was not in place. He committed first and everything else fell in line behind his commitment...
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